function checkImages() { // Create an array and push all add all images in the viewport to the array. var imgs = []; Y.all('img[data-src]:not([src])').each(function(img) { if (img.inRegion(Y.DOM.viewportRegion())) { imgs.push(img); } }); // Load the eligible images and remove the data-load attributes from them. for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { ImageLoader.load(imgs[i].removeAttribute('data-load')); } } Y.use('node', function() { Y.on('domready', function() { // Call the function on domready and on scroll. checkImages(); Y.on('scroll', checkImages); }); }); img:not([src]) { opacity: 0; } img { opacity: 1; -moz-transition: opacity: 0.2s ease; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; transition: opacity 0.2s ease; }


Kelli | Snoqualmie

Whistler, BC

Old San Juan, PR

Kauai, HI

Seattle, WA

Henry & Kelli | Sasquatch 2017

Be the spark that ignites a flame in the lives of others.

Kelli & Henry | Sasquatch 2017

Whistler, BC

Remember, not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.

Henry & Kelli | Snoqualmie

Kauai, HI

Henry & Kelli | Sasquatch 2017

Zainub, Jacinta, Emma | Sasquatch 2017

Jace | Olympic National Park, WA

Kauai, HI

Kelli | Sasquatch 2017

Kauai, HI

Kauai, HI

Continue to experiment and evolve. No matter the stage you’re at, it’s important to be the student and observer of your work. Always be in a state of learning and growth in your discipline.

Flamingo Beach, PR

Kauai, HI

LCD Soundsystem | Sasquatch 2017

Henry | Sasquatch 2017

Olympic National Park, WA